Air Date: 10-22-2021|Episode 643
This week we welcome back Robert Bean a retired engineering technology professional having practiced in building construction engineering technology and mechanical engineering for decades. This will be a thought provoking interview on IAQ, HVAC, Building Science and COVID. Mr. Bean specialized in the design of indoor environments and high-performance building systems.
He is a third term ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer, recipient of the Lou Flagg Award, and Distinguished Service Award. He has authored numerous papers, articles, and course curriculums and serves on several technical committees related to indoor environmental quality, building, and thermal energy systems. Robert also continues to maintain the website where you can get his FREE book “Thermal Comfort Principles and Practical Applications for Residential Buildings”. If that’s not enough he is also the co-host of the Edifice Complex Podcast which is designed to blow apart how buildings are designed, fabricated, commissioned and operated.