Kerry Kinney, Ph.D. – Professor, Civil Engineering -The University of Texas at Austin – The Microbiome, Filter Dust Forensics & Whole Communities-Whole Health

Air Date: 10-30-2020|Episode 604

This week we look at The Microbiome, Filter Dust Forensics and a program called Whole Communities-Whole Health with Dr. Kerry Kinney of The University of Texas at Austin. Kerry Kinney, Ph.D., is a courtesy professor in the Department of Population Health. She also holds the L.P. Gilvin Centennial Professorship in Civil Engineering in The University of Texas at Austin Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering. Kinney’s cross-disciplinary research in environmental engineering and molecular biology centers on the investigation of microorganisms and contaminants in engineered systems including buildings, residential water systems and municipal wastewater systems. She has extensive experience working with multidisciplinary teams to investigate human exposure to microorganisms and contaminants in the indoor environment.

Over the last decade, her research group has explored the microorganisms, allergens and contaminants found in schools, homes and other buildings. These studies have led to a greater understanding of the conditions that promote fungal growth in buildings, new indoor sampling strategies (e.g. filter forensics) and insights into the relationships between indoor exposures and health. Most recently, Kinney has been working with researchers across campus on the Whole Communities–Whole Health Bridging Barriers Initiative. She is also on the steering committee for the Center for Health and Environment: Education and Research at Dell Med.

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