Air Date: 3-30-2012| Episode: 242
The IICRC is a large organization with a lot of influence in the cleaning, restoration and inspection field...
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The IICRC is a large organization with a lot of influence in the cleaning, restoration and inspection field. They are also an enigma to many in the industry. Who is the IICRC? How have they become so powerful within the cleaning and restoration world? What is coming down the road with the IICRC? Whatâ??s up with the name change to The Clean Trust are they really going back to IICRC? We will talk this week with Darrell Paulson IICRC Chairman and CEO of Advanced Restoration Specialists, Inc. Mr. Paulson has been an integral part of the IICRC since 1983 as a member of the BOD, Shareholder and Committee Chair. He has also been an integral part of the recent changes at IICRC including the decision to return to the IICRC name. Mr. Paulson is well known as an industry veteran, speaker at conventions and association volunteer.
Z-Man’s Blog:
Name change and game change
Cleaner and restorer Darrell Paulson is chairman of the IICRC/Clean Trust, an international organization with a huge constituency consisting of: technicians, inspectors, restorers, remediators, IEPs and instructors. Darrell was one of the small group hand selected by Ed York as investors in the organization and has served within it for 29 years.
Training was the motivation and mission of the group. The group was conceived to be a trade school to teach carpet cleaning. When the State of California rejected the group as a trade school the group focused on entrepreneurs.
Nuggets mined from the show:
IICUC, predecessor of the IICRC was conceived as a trade school.
The IICUC group was originally founded as a “for profit” organization.
Carpet and flooring inspectors: determine whether material has defects, has been properly installed, is performing to manufacturers specifications, is suitably cleaned, maintained and/or restored. Flooring inspectors, commonly encounter moisture and water vapor intrusion issues in concrete slabs.
Washington State law allows shareholders to own nonprofit trade associations.
IICRC mission has expanded to include: certification, standards development, advocacy and trade association.
Motivation behind name change. IICRC is a mouthful to say. While stakeholders and those familiar with the acronym IICRC said it correctly, when used by those less familiar the acronym would too often come out incorrectly with embarrassing results. Brand selection criteria: challenge of finding a distinctive, suitable, scalable and flexible name = Clean Trust.
Reasoning for changing back to IICRC. Darrell outlined how the IICRC as a consensus body who along with their team of expert consultants developed the new brand Clean Trust, which passed through a stringent due diligence process and into peer review; where the majority of the peer reviewers opposed the name change. After listening to the peer reviewers, the group made the logical decision of choosing stakeholders wants and needs over those of consumers/end users and is returning to the original name. The group will use Clean Trust as a service mark.
IICRC is in the process of developing an ANSI approved Mold Removal Specialist Course.
Today’s music: “UNI