Radio Joe Reports Plus John Downey, Editor The IICRC Journal

Air Date: 9-18-2015| Episode: 383

This week on IAQ Radio we start a new feature plus interview a cleaning and restoration industry veteran…

Full Description:

This week on IAQ Radio we start a new feature plus interview a cleaning and restoration industry veteran. Radio Joe will give listeners a rundown of current events in the IAQ, building science and disaster restoration industry and for the second half of our show cleaning and restoration industry veteran John Downey joins us to discuss his role as Editor of The IICRC Journal. In addition to being editor of The Journal Mr. Downey continues to run a multi generational carpet cleaning company Downeys Carpet Care of Granville, Ohio and was the founder of Cleanfax Magazine. LEARN MORE on IAQ Radio!

Z-Man’s Blog:

Learning through research part 2 & Notable Current Events

On today’s episode of IAQradio Radio Joe updated listeners on industry current events and John Downey, Editor of the IICRC Technical Journal provided history of the publication and gave listeners insight into what goes into editing and publishing the periodical.

Nuggets mined from today’s chat with Radio Joe:

In the news

  • Mold found in cardio vascular intensive care unit at University of Pittsburgh Medical Center’s Presbyterian Hospital. Two patients who contracted mold infections have died. Other hospitals locally, regionally and throughout the US also concerned.
  • IAQA hires Stephanie Sears as new Executive Director.
  • Phil Morey, PhD, CIH passed away. (To learn more about Dr. Morey listen to IAQradio Episode: 106)
  • Increased enforcement and legal activity around lead poisoning. Lowe’s to Pay Record $500K Penalty Over Subs’ Lead-Paint Rule Violations.
  • Asbestos remains a concern. National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) [12:28:46 PM]

Continuing Current Event:

  • Antiquated software that doesn’t interact properly with modern software continues to cause frustrating delays for students and instructors at the IICRC. While significant progress has been made, its taking much, much longer than originally anticipated. (FYI, RadioJoe is 2nd VP of the IICRC)

Government Affairs (FYI, RadioJoe chairs IICRC’s Government Affairs Committee and also serves on the IAQA Government Affairs Committee.)

  • NY mold law requires all mold assessors and remediators to take courses and exams to obtain licenses. There is no provision for grandfathering.
  • NH will require mold assessors to be licensed.
  • CA rumblings about mold licensing.
  • VA and MO repealed mold licensing requirements.
  • TX and FL maintaining mold licensing requirements.
  • NJ unsuccessfully tried to pass mold licensing.
  • MD mold law is a mess.
  • New York is now requiring registration and testing of cooling towers. This is the result of a legionnaire’s disease outbreak in the city.

Nuggets mined from our chat with John Downey:

  • According to John, the inspirational seed that germinated into the IICRC’s Technical Journal originally came from Michael Berry, PhD over 20 years ago. Dr. Berry painted the picture of a technical journal for the cleaning and restoration industry. While John thought the concept made sense, the economics didn’t. Fast forward 17 years. The IICRC with a strong foundation in training and certification the IICRC was the best group to move the Journal concept forward.
  • IICRC sent out an RFP for a Journal editor and publisher. John was awarded the contract after the winning bidder was unable to perform.
  • It’s been a major paradigm shift from being the founder and publisher of Cleanfax Magazine to being the Editor of the IICRC Technical Journal. “It’s hard to plow through some of the technical information.” Sometimes, John must have articles rewritten to comply with the Journal’s technical requirements or reject them entirely.
  • The Journal is a peer reviewed technical journal, not a science journal. Science journals must meet a higher standard.
  • The Journal’s 11th issue is being finalized. The article receiving the most attention was in the first issue and written by Jerry Blaylock examining the role of vapor pressure and enthalpy in drying water-damaged wood-based materials.
  • The majority of industry research is not done by academia it is conducted by private firms for their own purposes.
  • Most research that has been published in the Journal is academically based and is not specific to cleaning and restoration. The research is “close cousin of readers’ interests.” Journal readers have a genuine thirst for technical knowledge, “techs gobble it up.”
  • 25%-33% of the articles are research based. Most others utilize research in support of their topic. Subject matter of the articles is diverse.
  • While unscientific, readers find case studies to be very informative and useful.
  • A new feature is the addition of an Executive Summary which provides an outline of what is contained in the full length of the article.

More from John

  • The major reason people have carpets cleaned is pet related. Customers often have carpets cleaned because they are embarrassed for family and friends to see them.
  • The key to success in his 4th generation carpet cleaning business is customer service to the level the “customer knows you care”.
  • While scientifically comparing how effective different processes are for cleaning carpet may seem simple, it’s actually quite complicated. Carpets are 3 dimensional textiles designed to hide soil. Coming to agreement on the characteristics, components and formula of the test soil alone is a challenge.

John’s final thoughts:

  • Anyone interested in contributing to or being a peer reviewer for the Journal can contact John at jdowney at
  • For those of you who are spiritual, Jerry Blaylock has a serious health problem and will appreciate your thoughts and prayers.

Radio Joe’s final thoughts:

  • Final countdown to IAQ Training Institute’s Healthy Building Summit (Sept. 28-October 2). This will be the 8th consecutive time that IEQ professionals and restorer/remediators will gather in Pennsylvania’s beautiful Laurel Highlands to study, learn through coursework & presentations and network.                                                                                                               Notable presenters include: Jeff Siegel PhD, Joe Spurgeon PhD, Nate Adams,  Allison Bailes PhD, Richard Rue PE, Wei Tang PhD, Eva King PhD and more.

Z-Man’s final thoughts:

  • Thanks to John Lapotaire for providing links and reference info during the show.
  • I’ve known John Downey for over 30 years. If you know John, you know that he is a family man, a man of faith, who is moral, ethical, honest, trustworthy and courageously outspoken when necessary.
  • Pete Consigli and I feel in good company with him as old industry watchdogs.

Today’s Music: American Dad-Doing Research (so much freaking research montage)

Trivia:When did the history of scientific journals begin?


Z-Man signing off