Air Date: 9-16-2011| Episode: 219
Time flies when you are having fun and we have had a great time doing IAQ Radio for the past 5 years...
Full Description:
Time flies when you are having fun and we have had a great time doing IAQ Radio for the past 5 years. This week we celebrate our 5th anniversary by counting down the top 10 show as determined by listener downloads. Join us to hear what shows IAQ Radio listeners felt were our biggest hits and to hear what we have learned over five years of interviewing the top IAQ, disaster restoration and building science professionals in the world.
Z-Man’s Blog:
Why IAQradio?
Show origin. While riding in my car, I heard an interview about a local company called TalkShoe that developed a software solution by which anyone could host their own radio show for free. I discussed the idea with Joe and my son Zack and we decided to go for it.
TalkShoes’s goal was to make money from Google ads. When “black mold scammers” showed up on our web-advertising for our first show we knew that for credibility reasons we needed to control our advertising.
The IAQradio logo. Joe and I were going to retain the services of a graphic artist to design a logo for the show, when my son Zack decided to take a stab at it. Beaming information is what we do and we feel the logo, Zack’s creation is fitting.
News presented in magazines and trade journals is aged, by the time we receive the magazine some of the information within is outdated. IAQradio is an industry media “game changer”, immediacy in information.
We try to be balanced. It’s impossible to be unbiased. We make a concerted effort to control our bias. We endeavor to present both sides of controversial issues.
No ambush policy, we wouldn’t want to be ambushed and we don’t want to ambush guests.
Why we do what we do? It’s fun, it’s challenging, we want to provide an industry service that we hope makes a difference.
RadioJoe didn’t pick his moniker, I felt he needed one and coined the name.
IAQradio is “Easier than TV”, we can do the show in our underwear.
Show invitation. RadioJoe prepares the show invitation each week and provides the compelling reason why the audience should listen.
Components of the show: opening music Chambers Brothers 1968 song- “Time Has Come Today”, is inspirational and has themes of the show- “the time has come today, can’t put it off another day, I don’t care what others say, the rules have changed today.”
Opening announcement. For sentimental reasons, we retain the voice of Zack the first engineer.
We use music because, just talk can be boring. While adding the music is a technical challenge it breaks up the dialogue. We try and select musical clips that have a connection to the guest.
Acronym police: there are so many acronyms in our lexicon. We wanted to make a conscious effort that the audience would know what we are talking about.
Trivia, the goal of the show is to be educational. Today, researching is an important component of learning. We attempt to select trivia questions that are related to the guest’s subject matter. Listeners generally need to quickly search the internet to find the answer.
Engineers. RadioJoe and I have a close attachment to our engineers: Zack Zlotnik, “Wing Man” Chris Boissell, “Environmental Annie” Kowalecki, Austin “Stone Cold Novak”.
Technical director…while RadioJoe and I have significant field experience, we jointly felt we needed a stronger scientific anchor for the show. Enter Dr. Dietrich Weyel, a few years older, much wiser, practical, down to earth and his European accent just sounds smart.
Halftime. News segment; provides the opportunity for us to update our listening audience on happenings? Perhaps a subject segue or change of pace.
Association sponsors. Communicating with its members is a challenge for every trade association. IAQradio’s Association Sponsors have the foresight to do so electronically.
$$$. We couldn’t do the radio show without the financial support of our sponsors, IAQ Connections and JonDon were the first two.
Diverse audience: Indoor Environmental Professionals, Disaster Restoration Contractors, HVAC cleaners, building scientists, textile cleaners, consumers, etc.
Commitment. Joe, Dieter and I are committed to doing the show. We have called in from the field and from foreign countries, interrupted vacations and taken time away from family and friends in order to do the show.
Doing the show is quite a bit of work. Finding guests, conversing with guests and submitting questions in advance, preparing the invitation, show prep, doing the show, the blog
Preserving memories: Life is short, we have seen it firsthand. We cherish the opportunity to preserve interviews with guests who have passed: Phil McLaughlin, Mike O’Reilly & Bill Yobe.
Pioneer shows are some of my favorites. Discussing our industry roots with personalities and legendary industry pioneers: Lloyd Weaver, Lee Pemberton, Martin King, Major Long, Greg Orndorff and Claude Blackburn.
IAQ is a profession and a business so it’s not always all about science, we periodically have business shows; Mark Violand, Fred Rock, Steve Toburen, interviews with successful entrepreneurs and contractors.
Roundup. Provides the opportunity to inject an important point, courteously giving the guest the final word.
CEC’s. An inexpensive way to earn CEC’s is huge benefit.
Why the blog? My impression of the show, nuggets for those too busy to listen to the show.
Technology. TalkShoe, Skype, marvels when it works, frustrating when it doesn’t.
Now you know what goes on behind the microphones at IAQradio. Thanks for listening!
Today’s music: “Happy Anniversary” By the Flintstones
Z-Man Signing Off